About NLSM
Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan (NLSM) offers one-of-a-kind services to promote health safety and self-sufficiency. We are a regional business and non-profit collaborative coordinating Southeastern Michigan community outreach and pro-bono partnerships for advocacy, education, and resources of human survival. Abused and homeless individuals, children, seniors and those with life-challenging illness can sometimes qualify to receive services free of charge.
Established in response to the Economic Opportunity Act of 1966, Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services (WCNLS), now doing business as Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan (NLSM) has grown from a legal aid office in 1966 to providing resources for the human heart, soul, mind and body. The agency serves vulnerable individuals, fragile families, and students in more than 60 schools and communities through the Child & Advocacy Institute. To date, NLSM is metro-Detroit’s only organization of its kind offering non-criminal legal advocacy, law-related education and supportive services for individuals and families.
Through justice initiatives, alliances, community education and preventive services, NLSM seeks to educate, protect, and strengthen the family. Target populations served by NLSM represent the promise of our communities and the future of humankind. To break the cycle of homelessness, NLSM’s budget counselors provide financial literacy, and through our case management services, we provide essential lifestyle training for eligible families. NLSM also contracts with local agencies to assist victims of crime with emergency home security repairs.
Board Of Directors

Charles K. Nolen

George Winn
Vice Chairperson

Lillian Bullard

Sandra Peppers

David K. Tillman, ESQ

Andrea J. Bradley-Baskin, Esq.

Danielle C. Parker

Wade J. Solomon

Ghazaleh Baydoun

Leona Medley

Thaddeus K. Dean, Jr.
Executive Director

Jean E. Griggs
Quality Assurance/Development Director

Gary L. Lane
Executive Assistant/Human Resources Director/Senior Law Advocate

Reginald Conyers
Chief Financial Officer

John Holler, III, Esq.
Senior Attorney of Housing Division

Aaron Hopson, J.D.
Director of Children’s Education

Erma Thomas, ESQ
Managing Attorney/Director of Programs/Elder Law & Advocacy Center

Gloria White
Housing Director

Jaqi Gwynn
Executive Assistant